title here!
and your text here. this box will stretch to size! one quirk with my way of doing things is that the left box always needs to be the same size or longer then the right one, otherwise things start to overlap. if i ever find a workaround for this ill tell you, for now i just need to jam a bunch of text in here.
by the way, if you dont have extra content for the left box, you could also use style to make it longer manually. basicly in the html tag (so after div) you put style="height:100px" but put however many pixels you need instead of 100. also using this method the box can exeed 100px. if you need 100 EXACT you need to use max-height. anyways most of that isnt very usefull to you, i needed some stuff in here + autism moment
<img src="the url of your image here">
if your image is uploaded on your neocities, you can generally use a bit of shorthand. so instead of using "https://traidy.neocities.org/images/hoard/1.png" i can use /images/hoard/1.png. by the way, if you click rename on one of your images it'll show you the shorthand url you can use.
this is how bold text, italic text, strike through text and a link are styled! other then that, enjoy this large box, usefull for large amounts of text, or maybe text combined with images in the same box.
by the way, if you want to change the banner up there ^ the way to do that is via the css stylesheet. just post the url of your image in the brackets after --header-image:. its at the very top of the document!
ok, so now something about the different pages on your site. you need the "index", which is the homepage of your site. i recomend keeping that as a sort of intro page, and then posting art, writing and other things on different pages. why? it just looks nicer i guess. So since you want to put your art on here, an art page would be usefull. i recomend keeping the page names pretty simple, as to not confuse people (including yourself lol). you also definitly want a naviagion page, that leads to every single page on your site. i think the utmost priority however, should be given to thinking of a place where you can link MEE ;P