About me!

Hi! i'm Lucky, aka Traidy :] I love minecraft, cars and manga!

I'm currently re-doing this section cuz my biggest interets changed a lot since i last did it! (dont worry, i didnt turn dranti or anything like that :P)

After my bestie for the restie turned to the dark side (F1 fandom) my car nerdism took a turn for the intense and now im reading initial D watching car videos and planning to get my manual licence. and then buying myself a CAR BABYYY it might be a bit stereotypical but idc the mazda miata has stolen my heaaart!

things i like


I don't exactly remember how i first heard about neocities.. maybe it was a youtube video, or something i saw on tumblr (despite its efforts to get rid of all users, it's still my main platform). I never had a website before, but the customizability of it all was alluring to me. Besides, about a year ago i had a phase where i was super into.. alternative tech? Slightly embarrassing in retrospect, since i never really knew what i was talking about, but it did leave me with a modded 3ds which is a silver lining (sidenote: mod your ds!).

Anyways, i made my account, and looked for a template to start my website off with. I did have some experience with HTML, but most of my knowledge came from fucking around when i was 8 or classes that i didn't pay attention to. But after a bit of work, i had my template pasted and ready. I scoured the interwebz, looking for interesting blinkies, stamps and buttons, and found MANY of them. the ones on here arn't even my full collection.. i have more saved to my computer lol. However, even after pasting tons of blinkies on my page, i didnt think my page really looked how i wanted it to. then, one day, i got a burst of motivation. I wanted 2 small columns on my page, and by god was i going to get it. I put hours of work into it, since this was my first time doing HTML that wasn't.. super basic lets just say. Anyways, i got it done, and since then the HTML bug has gotten to me. Im having tons of fun making my site as cluttered and busy as i want!