How i rate manga

I rate manga based on 3 different factors. They are art, depth and entertainment. I then give it an overall rating.

The art rating is pretty straightforward: does the art look good. For many people this might not matter much, but i'm pretty picky when it comes to this :]
Depth is basicly a rating of the story, and the message its trying to tell. To me, the way the message is told is more important then the actual message. This also means that telling a message badly will get you a worse score then not telling a message at all, such as in a comedy manga.
The entertainment rating is another simple one: anything that i found funny, emotional or entertaining in any other way will get a good score. If the story got boring it will get a poor score.

My favorite manga (in no particular order)

  • One Piece
  • Dungeon meshi
  • Kaguya-sama - Love is war
  • Shimeji simulation
  • Lucky star

Recent reads!

The Disastrous Life of Saiki K.

I just started Saiki-K! I watched the anime last year and loved it, but when i tried to get into the manga i found it a little dissapointing. But now, a long while later, i decided to try it again and im back to loving it! I think it was a mix of the start being a little slow, and the manga being extremely similar to the anime.

Anyway, let me tell you about the actual manga. The story follows a young boy named Saiki Kusuo. He has incredebly overpowered psi powers, but HATES it! All he wants is to live a quiet peacefull life.. but his weird classmates don't seem to leave him alone. Ok, i know the whole "super overpowered main character" is overdone in manga, but its actually pretty funny here. Probably partly cuz this isnt an isekai lol. It's not very deep, but it has a heartwarming ending. Plus its, at times, REALLY funny :] and when you're dealing with a comedy manga, thats what really matters.

All in all, id give this manga a 7 for art, a 7 for depth and an 8 for entertainment, and a 7.5 overall. It's a funny manga, but nothing groundbreaking.

Fullmetal alchemist

After watching the beginning of the anime years ago, i finally actually read the manga! it was