The DT+ webring!

As a lover of both dream team (and friends!) and old web, ive decided to set up a webring! a webring is a connection of websites with a common theme that all link back to eachother. To join the webring, just send me a message! (preferably on tumblr) You don't need to have any DT+ content on your website, just being a fan is enough.


I've made some fun graphics to put on your page! If you put one of these on your page, please link back to this page :] If you want one of these with your main, and it isnt here yet, feel free to shoot me a message, and ill try and make it for you!

dream main!! dt+ webring sapnap main!! dt+ webring george main!! dt+ webring karl main!! dt+ webring foolish main!! dt+ webring

Members of the DTK+ webring!

Once you're on the list, add your webring graphic of choise to your site, with an arrow at either side. link to the person before you with the left arrow, the person after you with the right arrow and to this page with the graphic in the middle!

How do i do that?

youll need to download whichever graphic you want (or you could make one yourself) and upload it to your neocities, along with 2 arrows. then just use this code:

<a href="link to the previous person"> <img src="the location of your left arrow" alt="arrow (link)"> </a> <a href="dtqkwebring.html"> <img src="the location of your webring graphic" alt="the alt discription of your graphic"> </a> <a href="link to the next person"> <img src="the location of your right arrow" alt="arrow (link)"> </a>

feel free to dm me if you need help with this!

What is a webring?

A webring is a collection of websites, often with a common theme, that all link back to eachother.

It's a neat way to discover new websites, and to build a community!